Experienced Fixed Fee Financial Services

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This is not rocket science. Anyone can be an investor and make money. Professional advice and education does takes the guesswork out of investing, but it is not just choosing the best investment that makes a good investor.


Investing always starts, continues and ends with doing the basics. So don’t get sucked in to the latest investment strategy or option that promises amazing returns. You can get amazing growth on your money by doing the basics.


Ask the following questions:

  • Is your situation ready to invest, it may not, you may need to clear some debt, sort out your cash flow, and build up some cash reserves first.
  • Why am I investing – different investments are used for very different investment reasons, situations, time frames, and goals.
  • How much do I need to make and how quickly?
  • How long am I going to invest for?
  • How much am I going to need to invest – initially and ongoing? Can I afford this?
  • When will I need to use some or all of the money that I invest?
  •  How much can I afford to invest regularly? Or how much is the investment going to cost me each year.
  • Whatever I invest in, can I sleep at night?

There are so many investments to choose from so choose those that will help you achieve your goals. There are short, medium and long term investments. Those that require a small amount of cash to start with and those that require a large amount. Make sure you know what you are starting.

Big Returns

Investments that promise very high/large returns come with greater risk (higher chance you could lose money), and often will have much greater volatility (the value goes up and down a lot). So be careful. Most of the time the basic investments over the longer term provide the best results, which in most cases are shares and property.


Ideally you should hold a mix of investments spread across cash, shares and property, in both Australia and overseas. However, this may not be possible initially as you are building up the amount of wealth you have – so start where you can and build over time.

Lots of money or little money – Sometimes it pays to buy investment with small amount of money regularly over time. This is called dollar-cost averaging. It allows you to ride out the ups and downs of the investment, and build up a sizable investment over the long term, you can do this with shares. Other investments, like property, require you to invest a large amount at the start, and then either a little or nothing over time. Each has advantages and disadvantages, make sure you get professional financial advice on what is best for your situation.


Is a great way to increase your returns, but it can mean multiplying your losses. Done correctly, for the right investments, provided you have the right cashflow, reserves, timeframes, and a few other important back-ups in place, borrowing is a powerful way to invest and make money. Most people that make a lot of money have done it by borrowing to invest.


Yes, but be careful. To avoid costly mistakes it pays to get professional investment advice that is tailored for your overall situation. But, be careful of investment advisers that want you to put your money in investments that pay the adviser a percentage, commission, or trail. This generally biases their motives in giving you the advice to invest in those investments.

So go with a financial adviser or investment adviser that does not get paid from the investments they are recommending. A good adviser will charge a fee of their advice, not receive commissions or payments from the investment.

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What our clients have to say

Steve Pollard is a highly professional and ethical financial planner, who practices what he preaches. He is on the few financial planners to have provided independent fee for service advice since he started in the industry. I trust Steve to provide quality advice to me, my friends and clients.

Andrew Wegener Aquila
Andrew Wegener

Every time I see Steve present at a seminar, I realise it is so much more than financial information, which anyone can provide, and more about finding the right motivator. Steve definitely knows how to motivate in a friendly non confronting manner. I can see why his greatest successes are with clients that stay with him year on year.

Greg Davies Davies Home Loans
Greg Davies

I have know Steve pollard personally now for a couple of years and meet with him once a week for breakfast. He is literally a breath of fresh air as I have always been wary of Finance Advisors in the past. Steve is now working with myself and my partner to help build a financial plan for the future and has really opened my eyes to the possibilities there are. I totally recommend that if you are looking at advice for your personal or business matters to book a time to Steve as you won’t be disappointed.

Sam Skehan "Great Advice"
Sam Skehan

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Stephen Pollard | 1300 911 721

PO Box 114, Mudgeeraba QLD 4213


Stephen Pollard and SVJJ Pty Ltd, ACN 158 131 269, ATF SVJJ Family Trust ABN 85 718 454 789 trading as Oasis Financial Planning, are Authorised Representatives of Oasis Financial Holdings AFS Licence No. 539094, an Australian Financial Services Licensee.


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