Education – your money your future

Learn what a self-managed superfund is & how to take control of your money

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Investing in Property: Why You Should Consider It

Investing in Property: Why You Should Consider It

Your lifestyle’s comfortable. Your job’s steady, you’ve bought your first home and your repayments are hitting the bank on time. You get to take your family out on special occasions, and you've even managed to set aside some money. Things are feeling pretty manageable...

5 Ways to Boost Your Superannuation Fund

5 Ways to Boost Your Superannuation Fund

As we grow older, our general perception of life and “wealth” shifts.  It becomes less about “How can I afford that new car or renovate the house?” and more about, “How can I make sure I’ll have enough savings to live a comfortable lifestyle when I stop working?” So,...

Financial Planning Tips to Handle Holiday Stress

Financial Planning Tips to Handle Holiday Stress

It’s already happening. Christmas is sneaking onto the shelves, like Santa’s workshop exploded overnight, with elves working overtime to get ahead of the season—and tempting us to start spending before we’ve even set a holiday budget. And who can blame us? This time...

Wealth Creation Strategies Outside of a 9-5 Job

Wealth Creation Strategies Outside of a 9-5 Job

Looking to diversify your income streams? The days of putting all your eggs in a single basket are long gone. In today’s economy, it makes a lot of sense to have a little extra cash coming in. Something to supplement your current income—so you’re not left scraping by...

Money-Saving Tips: How to Budget and Save Money

Money-Saving Tips: How to Budget and Save Money

Managing money isn’t exactly everyone’s idea of fun. It’s like one of those grown-up things we all know we should do, like getting enough sleep every night or saying no to one more piece of cake, but knowing that doesn’t make it any easier. Especially if you’re...

The $7 Million Dream: Transforming Life with a Monthly Jackpot

The $7 Million Dream: Transforming Life with a Monthly Jackpot

In an extraordinary turn of fortune, a hardworking carer's life was upended for the better after winning a staggering $7 million in the lottery, translating to a monthly windfall of $19,000 for the next three decades. This remarkable story, as reported by The Sun on...

How do I financially Prepare for Christmas?

How do I financially Prepare for Christmas?

Christmas is quickly approaching, and while many of us have been consumed with making plans with family, friends, and co-workers Many of us have failed to ask ourselves, "Am I financially prepared?" for the season ahead. It's never too early or too late to start...

Ten Tips for Generational Wealth.

Ten Tips for Generational Wealth.

For many individuals, the word "generational wealth" may signify a lot of different things. Wealth can be summarised as happiness, prosperity and abundance and can be linked closely with money but what is generational wealth? Why is it important? Why is generational...


At Oasis Financial Planning we provide financial planning services throughout the Gold Coast, Northern NSW and around Australia to people just like you that want a professional, fee for service (fee only financial planning advice) approach. We personalise financial planning advice to your specific situation, and this can include:

GETTING THE BASICS RIGHT – everyone can improve their finances, you just don’t know how yet. Start by getting the basics right, then you will be positioned to do so much more with your situation and life.

BUDGETING AND CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT – Cashflow is the most important issue to get right. Make sure your cashflow is healthy and increase your spare cash. We can help stop you going backwards, start you getting ahead and change you from living pay to pay to actually having some spare money each week.

DEBT REDUCTION AND DEBT CONSOLIDATION STRATEGIES – reduce your debt, reduce what your debt it is costing you, and pay it all off sooner.

SUPERANNUATION – personal super and Self-Managed Super Fund. Yes you can be achieving more with your superannuation. You don’t have to watch it drop in value for yet another year, and you can reduce your super fees.

PERSONAL INSURANCE – protect you, your family and your income giving you peace of mind, and find out how it does not have to cost anything to your cashflow. Life insurance, total & permanent disability insurance and income protection insurance.

INVESTMENT AND WEALTH CREATION STRATEGIES – what should you be investing in? Shares, managed funds, property…all, some or none can be appropriate and can make you money. You just need to be understood and shown what is best for your situation and goals?

PRE-RETIREMENT AND RETIREMENT PLANNING – anyone in their 50 or older, whether working or retired will be missing out on an increased retirement savings and paying too much tax if they do not get expert advice in this area. You can make a positive difference to your finances for a better retirement.

ESTATE PLANNING – personal succession – making sure your money goes to the right people and that they receive the most they can and don’t lose more than needed in tax.

BUSINESS AND OWNERSHIP PROTECTION AND SUCCESSION PLANNING – what happens if you or your business partner is removed from the business due to death, disability or illness? It can be very costly and destroy your business and family.

WORKPLACE EDUCATION AND FINANCIAL PLANNING – business owners and employees can become more productive, less stressed, and more profitable if they are have been educated on how to manage their personal finances. Find out how we can educate you and your workplace so they are less stressed and more focused.

Our Gold Coast financial planning services and advice have been benefiting people for more than a decade years and have changed many lives for the better simply because they asked the question… “How can we improve our finances and lifestyle?”… Is it time for you to do the same?

Our Gold Coast seminars are always free and there to help anyone… Is it time for you to attend one? Contact Gold Coast Financial Planner Steve today on 0427 729 448.

Why you should use a Financial Planner instead of doing it yourself!

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What our clients have to say

Steve Pollard is a highly professional and ethical financial planner, who practices what he preaches. He is on the few financial planners to have provided independent fee for service advice since he started in the industry. I trust Steve to provide quality advice to me, my friends and clients.

Andrew Wegener Aquila
Andrew Wegener

Every time I see Steve present at a seminar, I realise it is so much more than financial information, which anyone can provide, and more about finding the right motivator. Steve definitely knows how to motivate in a friendly non confronting manner. I can see why his greatest successes are with clients that stay with him year on year.

Greg Davies Davies Home Loans
Greg Davies

I have know Steve pollard personally now for a couple of years and meet with him once a week for breakfast. He is literally a breath of fresh air as I have always been wary of Finance Advisors in the past. Steve is now working with myself and my partner to help build a financial plan for the future and has really opened my eyes to the possibilities there are. I totally recommend that if you are looking at advice for your personal or business matters to book a time to Steve as you won’t be disappointed.

Sam Skehan "Great Advice"
Sam Skehan

Your next step to financial security

Having conducted 3000+ complimentary sessions to date, we haven't yet found someone whose financial position we couldn't improve.

Please don't go another year, having not improved your financial position. Click the button below to request a Complimentary Consultation with the Gold Coast Financial Planning Advisors who offer truly objective financial advice.

Our Location
(by appointment only)


Stephen Pollard | 1300 911 721

PO Box 114, Mudgeeraba QLD 4213


Stephen Pollard and SVJJ Pty Ltd, ACN 158 131 269, ATF SVJJ Family Trust ABN 85 718 454 789 trading as Oasis Financial Planning, are Authorised Representatives of Oasis Financial Holdings AFS Licence No. 539094, an Australian Financial Services Licensee.


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